Initiative:The Oral History Project
Organisation:The Citizens Archive of Pakistan
Country: Pakistan
Facebook: @citizensarchive
Twitter: @citizensarchivepk
The Citizens Archive of Pakistan (CAP) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to cultural and historic reservation, operating in Sindh and Punjab. They seek to educate the community, foster an awareness of their nation’s history, and instil pride in Pakistani citizens about their heritage.CAP has three main goals: to preserve and provide access to their archive, to build and support educational programs, and to develop educational products based on the testimonies collected. The Oral History Project (OHP) lies at the heart of CAP. The project records recollections of the early days of Pakistan to provide an alternative perspective to official narratives found in historical literature. The stories emerging from the project, the secrets captured in old photographs, and the personal experiences of our nation’s rich and varied people provide inspiration for our exhibitions and events.