Initiative: Nayi Disha Resource Centre
Organisation: Nayi Disha Resource Centre
Country: India
Facebook: @nayidisharesourcecentre
Twitter: @NayiDisha_
Nayi Disha Resource Centre is an NGO supporting the families of people with intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) such as autism, down syndrome, and cerebral palsy by leveraging technology. They enable individuals with special needs by providing their families, with necessary information and by creating a supportive ecosystem for the caregivers through their unique online platform. The three key pillars of their services are Knowledge Hub, Online Caregiver Community & National Directory of Services. Although, people with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (PwIDD) constitute a significant population of India, the overburdened education and health systems in India fail to cater to the needsof PwIDDs and their families. They aim to overcome this information gap by educating and empowering families of PwIDD and make them an active participant in their child’s development.