Organisation: ADHAR
Country: India

Bithoor Shakti has taken the many steps to help organise poor into their own organisations, increase financial access, develop leadership & decision taking power, reduce digital illiteracy & increase e-commerce activity. Now, with this initiative, they make embroidery designs using computer softwares and transfer it on fabric by taking print outs. They have learned entrepreneurship skills from EDP experts and developed more than 200 marketable innovative prototypes of hand embroidered ladies garments and accessories,wall hanging, scenery, sling bags, clutch bags, laptop bags etc. All the beneficiaries have been organized into self help groups to meet their emergency expensesand to develop their own enterprises. Some beneficiaries have opened their own boutiques and are providing employment opportunities to their neighbours. Networks have been established with several other online portals like, Radiatelabs, Creative India, Happyculture etc.