Aug132012eNGO Challenge Nomination being solicited from NGOs who have adopted ICTs in most innovative way to produce or promote and market local and community produce by local entrepreneurs or by the organization itself in a social enterprise model. [fblike] Category: eNGO ChallengeBy wp-adminAugust 13, 2012Leave a commentTags: digital empowerment foundationengo awardengo challengeidafindia development alternatives foundationngo awardngo fundngo programmengo projectngo schemepir Author: wp-admin Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Communication & OutreachNextNext post:AdvocacyRelated PostsNo titleOctober 22, 2014Communication & OutreachAugust 13, 2012AdvocacyAugust 13, 2012Organizational EfficiencyAugust 13, 2012Sustainable DevelopmentAugust 13, 2012